the intro i always hate writing ;;
(MY SITE IS ALWAYS A WIP) not really sure how to say welcome to my page without sounding like an awkward gen z old web revivalist but thats probably the point of an introduction on a hosting platform like this anyways
anyways, im a west coast idiot stuck in the midwest waiting for my moment to move away from this biblical-level shitshow region of the united states of america (which is a bold statement considering the entirety of this place is pretty terrible to begin with)... but hey im all for the incentive of FREEDOM!!!!!!!
this site is meant to showcase my mind (in its digital form) and document whatever i feel like making or doing. im a creative, but im by no means an experienced artist. i am perfectionist, but im by no means organized. i am another human on the interweb, but im by no means a content creator. i speak from my soul, however mentally insane it might be.

if youre interesting in stalking people's shrines or youre just a little too curious about whatever it is that i literally worship, then maybe the shrines page is for you ;D
now what if youre into plants and memorials and shiii.... my garden will provide you with the calming natures of even the most chaotic parts of my life.
are you bored of your music taste? you need something new, or maybe something similar to what youre into? stop by my recordstore and find the cup of tea that got thrown off the boat without you knowing o_o . . .
ok ok so youve explored all of these and need something new that will be updated whenever the webmaster feels like it? maybe it holds graphic galore? more links to discover? well do i have a corner of the web for you! i dont have an official page for my collection of links yet but you can snag my spacehey blog full of links to every resource ive used during my websurfing adventures... i hope youll find them as useful as i do.